Fate vs. Free Will
In Life of Pi , one of the themes has to do with Fate vs. Free will. Religion is also a very big theme in this story. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism are the main religions the book focuses on. Each religion is different; ex: Christians say there is only one God, but Hindus and Buddhists say there is more than one. Each one has a connection to fate vs. free will. For example; Christians say that God is the one who plans your life for you. Though you have the freedom to make choices, God still helps guide you in the way he wants you to go. Buddhists don't exactly say whither there is fate. Though karma is something they do believe in. Free will is something they have. In the story Pi has the dilemma of deciding what religion he's part of. Though he's told he can't do all, he does anyways. This decision helped him in surviving the boat ride. It helped him have faith that he can make it, that he should keep going. In one way or another Pi would survive if he c...