What Makes Us Who We Are?

Our differences. Our unique views and skills, along with our personality flaws and bad habits are what make us stand out from the rest of the crowd. They define us. Our nationality, identity and personality, all things that are out of our grasp, differentiate us from others, as well as the things we can control. Our opinions and outlooks on the world around us, our careers and hobbies are all things that build our identity and help those around us know who we are. It may be our similarities that we bond over, but its our differences that makes us who we are.

As for fate and free will, it depends on the situation. Everything happens whether we want it to or not, fate can't be stopped. But, it is our actions, our free will, that determine the outcome of what has happened. Our belief in fate or free will also define us. How we interpret bad situations and how we react define us further.

In the end, who we are is up to fate and our free will. It's up to us to take what we're born with, and to shape ourselves into the person we want to be.

-CE (Blog Task #1)


  1. I agree that there are things we a born with that we can't change and instead we should embrace them, and continue to shape ourselves. do you think at some point we can go back a change an aspect we don't like, or would it be to late?

    1. Well obviously we can't go back in time. But there is nothing stopping us from turning our lives around in the future and becoming better people.

  2. You got really good points and I totally agree with your oppinion, especially that fate can't be stopped and that's up to us to take what we're born with, and to shape ourselves into the person we want to be!

  3. I like your post. I agree with everything that you said and you explain it well


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