Bright Bois vs Free Will

What I think makes us who we are is our experiences from our past and the world and community that we are born, raised and exposed to throughout our lives. What  aspects of our identity that are not in our control in my opinion are: your gender, where you are born, if you're a sibling or not, who are your parents, your ethnicity, your race and your shoe size. What Aspects I think that we chose ourselves are: who your friends are, what your hobbies are, how you dress, and maybe the way you see life. The degree that our free will determine who we are and who we think we are depends on how much free will you think you have. The degree that our predetermined identity would be, in my opinion, pretty much the same as free will with the exception of physical thing like gender and shoe size, but I think it all depends on what you believe in. 

-Denroy Johnson   


  1. Denroy, your title is very nice. I like the meme you inserted as well, but I hope that it is ironic.


  2. I agree, but there are also certain things that you only have partial control over. For example, you can choose who your friends are, but you only have partial control over who walks in and out of your life.

  3. great blog!! but in the end you mentioned what people believe in, you should have added more to that. weather u were talking religion or etc. I wanted to know more of your opinion so good blog though.


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